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The average salary in Luxembourg

Luxembourg or the state with the highest GDP per capita is the country which welcomes the most cross-border workers with Switzerland, for reasons which escape no one. This country of 2,586 km2 catches the eye of many French people to the point that it is their favorite border destination. Focus on salary, life and job opportunities in Luxembourg!

The average salary in Luxembourg

First of all, in Luxembourg, the average salary amounts to 3554.54€ at present, depending on the site Numbeo the world’s largest database of cities and countries.

City Average salary
Esch-sur-Alzette €3,000.00
Luxembourg €3,591.58
Wiltz €2,000.00

On the other hand, Luxembourg provides for a minimum salary based on several criteria such as the qualification and age of the employee in question.

Age and qualification % of gross minimum wage Hourly wage (in €) Monthly salary (in €)
18 years and over unqualified 100% 12.3814 2,141.99
17 to 18 years old 80% 9.9051 1,713.59
15 to 17 years old 75% 9.2861 1,606.49
18 years and over qualified 120% 14.8577 2,570.39

Note that an employee who does not have any diploma but his profession requires a diploma recognized by the State, he will be considered as a qualified worker after at least 10 years of seniority in the same profession except for professions without a diploma except special cases.

With a minimum salary of €2,142Luxembourg is the country which offers the highest minimum wage in the European Union according to the figures Eurostat.

However, Luxembourg was considered the third country to offer the highest average salary according to data from the World Bank.

Furthermore, according to Statec, women receive on average a salary 3% higher than that of men. Indeed, in 2010, women received a median salary estimated at €45,767 compared to €44,224 for full-time workers. While French women receive on average 27% than our male counterparts. However, for the same position, French women are paid 9% less than French men.


  • Salaries are lower in the north than in the south!
  • It is estimated that 34,000 French people have settled in Luxembourg and 80,000 workers are cross-border workers;

The cost of living

Certainly the average Luxembourg salary is one of the highest in the world but you should know that the cost of living in Luxembourg is on average 15% higher than in France. For example, here the average cost of a studio in the city center is estimated at €1484.38. This figure can drop to €1200 but can also reach €2000!

City Average rent
Differdange €1,000.00
Dudelange €1,200.00
Esch-sur-Alzette €1,012.50
Luxembourg €1,558.62


  • Around 24.2% of the Luxembourg household budget is devoted to housing compared to 26.2% for French households in 2019

Sectors that are recruiting

Obviously, finance is the first thing we think of when we think of Luxembourg. However, the country is also recruiting other profiles that we would not have thought of such as:

  • Kitchen staff ; a beginner chef will earn on average €2,500 gross according to Sali
  • Catering service : a server earns on average €2149.35 per month;
  • Secretariat ; a secretary can hope to receive €2,500 gross per month
  • IT studies and development ; a beginner developer can expect €32,000 gross annually while a software architect or functional project manager will be around €115,000 per year

And of course, Luxembourg offers many opportunities in the sectors of

  • accounting : an accountant receives on average €3,700.62 per month;
  • of accounting and financial audit and control ;
  • defense and legal advice : a lawyer earns on average €6,584.22 per month;
  • analysis of credits and banking risks ;
  • consulting in business organization and management then in the financial markets front office.


  • In 2022, Luxembourg had nearly 150 French subsidiaries and companies, mainly in the fields of finance, services, commerce and the agri-food industry.

Discover the Financial Times ranking of the best masters in finance in 2020

Find a job in Luxembourg

To begin with, it should be noted that certain foreign certificates and diplomas are not automatically recognized in Luxembourg. You will therefore have to initiate a procedure so that your diploma is recognized and you can practice your profession in Luxembourg.

Commercial, liberal or craft professions

In order to have the equivalence of a higher education diploma obtained abroad (EU or non-EU) recognized, you must request approval of your diploma or registration of your diploma in the register of higher education qualifications. .

To learn more about procedures for other training courses, click here.

Finally, to find a job in Luxembourg, your school’s job teaser, Linkedin, expatriate Facebook groups or your network will be very useful to you.

And if you are between 18 and 28 years old, know that you have the possibility of applying for a VIE (international corporate volunteering). According to the VIE scale, any volunteer automatically receives €723.99. Finally, additional compensation specific to each country depending on its cost of living. Here in Luxembourg, the geographical allowance (IFE GEO) is €1427.74, i.e. a total of 2151.73€.


  • Any request for recognition of equivalence amounts to €75 in addition to €300 “in the event of a required compensation measure (adaptation course / aptitude test)”

Working in Luxembourg or being a cross-border worker?

However, in order to benefit from cross-border worker status, you must carry out paid or self-employed activity in a neighboring country, while returning home at least once a week.

Note that you will be covered by the Luxembourg health system from the moment you work in the country. However, unemployment benefits are generally granted to residents of the Grand Duchy. Except in the case of partial unemployment following a difficulty encountered by your company.

On the other hand, if you have only worked in Luxembourg, the Luxembourg pension system will pay you an old age pension.

Finally, each employee benefits from at least 26 working days of paid leave per year, regardless of whether you are an employee, apprentice, your working hours (part-time, full-time, etc.) and your type of contract. If you want further explanation, click here.


  • The rate of cross-border workers would be 42% in Luxembourg, one in two would be French;
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