Recruitment: how to attract and retain a startup

Recruitment: how to attract and retain a startup

Startups are at the heart of the French economy. Like all companies, they encounter difficulties recruiting and retaining talent. How to successfully attract candidates and make them stay in your company? Figures looked into this issue.

The turnover rate of companies is a fairly reliable indicator of corporate culture and working atmosphere. However, some startups are unable to attract and retain talent due to lack of resources. Some young companies indeed want to develop quickly, with the best candidates, but finances do not necessarily follow. However, other advantages exist to retain your teams: involving them in the strategy, flexibility, teleworking, the working environment, etc.

Ask questions about your startup, to retain talent

Figures is a startup behind a payroll management solution. She led the investigation into a problem that affects all companies and especially young start-ups: loyalty. For Virgile Raingeard, CEO of the company, “ employee loyalty is crucial in a competitive job market. Retaining top talent is more important than ever “.

The startup Figures has created a guide for companies to better manage questions related to recruitment and retention of employees. According to the study carried out by the startup, it is important to ask the right questions: What is my turnover rate and how does it compare to the sector? Why are my employees leaving my organization? Have I implemented effective career development programs to advance within the company?

These questions are at the heart of the concerns of employees and candidates and must therefore be at the center of the attention of startups. In the context of departures from the company, it is important to know how to question yourself and to listen to the resigning employee on the reasons which pushed them to leave.

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Tips for building loyalty in startups

Figures reveals seven tips for attracting, retaining and involving your teams, in order to reduce the turnover rate. The first piece of advice is to make sure you offer a salary in line with what the market demands. It is therefore necessary to study the remuneration offered in other companies in the sector, but also the salary expectations of recruits. Contrary to what Claire Despagne thinks, it is logical for an ESSEC graduate to position himself on a salary of €45,000 per year. This advice comes with another tip: ensuring a transparent compensation culture. For Figuresthat ” ensures employees’ peace of mind, motivates them by providing them with a clear vision of their progress and guarantees fairness “.

Salary is not the only criterion for the attractiveness of a startup and it is important to focus on and communicate about social benefits. Attention ! Restaurant vouchers, in the event of absence of a kitchen or dining room, and company mutual insurance are not social benefits. These are legal obligations, just like the reimbursement of half of the transport ticket.

Integration is also key. One of Figures’ tips is to work on a solid onboarding process that should present the ” remuneration and progression mechanisms “. The startup also recommends providing clear visibility on this famous possible progression within the company.

Finally, it is important to know how to engage your employees. This involves the opportunity offered to express themselves freely about their work, their missions or management, but also about projects. Listening to feedback and taking it into account undeniably strengthens team loyalty. This also involves establishing a relationship of trust and valuing startup employees.

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