Personal finance: 3 tips for generating passive income

Personal finance: 3 tips for generating passive income

Everyone would like to be able to generate passive income in order to be able to live off their income. To achieve this, you sometimes have to learn how to manage your budget, save money and become better organized from a personal finance point of view. Business Cool reveals 3 tips for generating passive income.

Passive income, what is it?

Before getting to the heart of the matter, it is necessary to define passive income. So what is it? Passive income is all the money you can earn with minimal to little effort. This income can come from different sources which sometimes required heavy work at a given time: publication of books, photos, rents, investments, dividends, etc.

Passive income is like an annuity. If there is no need for continuous actions, unlike salaried employment for example, to collect this money, it is often necessary to invest money, energy or make material purchases to be able to hope to generate passive income.

The most well-known example of passive income comes from real estate. Indeed, many French people choose rental investment. If you have to spend a significant amount up front, you are guaranteed to always receive rent in the months and years following the purchase of an apartment or house that you are renting out. Here are three tips that will allow you to generate passive income!

1 – Generate passive income using your skills

Many people take advantage of learning platforms like Udemy or Coursera to enhance their skills. They therefore create training courses at a given time. This requires devoting time and perhaps acquiring computer or video equipment, but it is the assurance of generating regular passive income. These websites are developing more and more and many Internet users decide to train to update or develop new skills.

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You can also promote your knowledge and know-how through a book that you can self-publish on Amazon. This allows you to be in control of distribution, marketing, but also the passive income generated. In fact, by not going through a publishing house, you can hope to receive up to 70% of the revenue generated by the sales of your book.

2 – Take inspiration from entrepreneurs

Look on the Internet or even on social networks for the most popular content that can generate passive income. There is no necessarily need to invent something new. If a piece of content or training is all the rage on Instagram, maybe there is a niche to explore that will allow you to earn some money?

After observing the most popular content and ideas on social networks, don’t hesitate to look at the recurring questions from users on this subject, but also at the blocking points. By answering their questions and their problems, you can ensure that you generate passive income quite easily.

3 – Diversify your sources of passive income

Once you’ve figured out how you plan to generate passive income, don’t stop there! In fact, you can follow Rachel’s example who managed to retire at the age of 28. His secret? She generates $16,000 per month in passive income through rental investing, writing a book and creating an online course on personal finance.

Diversifying your sources of passive income is also the key to not being dependent on a niche, a business or a tool that may be abandoned later. Indeed, as you can see with Facebook, just because a medium or social network is trendy does not mean it will be popular forever! You must therefore diversify what you offer, but also the platforms on which you communicate.

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