LinkedIn: the 6 determining criteria for recruiters

LinkedIn: the 6 determining criteria for recruiters

More and more candidates do not hesitate to apply and initiate a recruitment process via the professional social network LinkedIn. Although the platform codes are different, you should not neglect certain elements if you want your application to be accepted. Here are the six most important criteria in the eyes of recruiters on LinkedIn.

Maintaining your profile on social networks is important. This is the personal showcase that recruiters will look at. In addition, today you have the possibility to apply for a job offer directly through the platform through what LinkedIn calls a “simplified application”. Through this process, a copy or link of your profile is sent to the recruiter. The EHL Hospitality Business School, the Lausanne hotel school, questioned the elements that are most scrutinized by companies on your LinkedIn profile.

Recruitment: the 6 elements to take care of on your LinkedIn profile

The network

According to the EHL study, it is important to take care of your network, because recruiters identify the number of connections you have on LinkedIn. This can give a certain image of you, that of a person who is familiar with networking or on the contrary that of a person who may seem not very dynamic. In some professions, networking is very important and the size of your network can make a difference.

The presentation

It is always important to complete the presentation section of your LinkedIn profile. This allows the recruiter to know more about you at a glance. This part of your page on the platform is like the little summary at the beginning of your CV which gives you the opportunity to know who you are and what you are looking for.

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If you apply for a job, the recruiter will necessarily try to find out if you are the right person to carry out the missions offered by the company. Thus, he will scrutinize your profile in search of information concerning your past accomplishments, but also your acquired skills. You must therefore develop your professional experiences, not hesitating to mention your results, but also specify the hard skills and the soft skills that you control.


More and more professions require mastery of French and English. In some cases, speaking other languages ​​is a plus. This can also make the difference when applying and you should therefore not neglect this section of your LinkedIn profile. In addition, it also demonstrates a certain curiosity and open-mindedness.

The profile picture

Just like your CV, it is essential to have a beautiful profile photo on LinkedIn. This must give a professional tone and must be neat with a rather neutral background. However, in certain cases and for certain professions, the recruiter may be sensitive to more creative photos.

Extra-professional/extra-curricular activities

It is important to mention any extracurricular or extra-professional activity on your LinkedIn profile. First of all, this allows you to fill certain periods where you have not necessarily worked. Then, it demonstrates your commitments and allows you to highlight certain skills.

Methodology of the EHL survey

To carry out this study, EHL interviewed more than 600 people from the establishment, between 2013 and 2017. In this sample, the ages range from 22 to 35 years old and 60.5% of the individuals interviewed are women.

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In addition, Doctor Sébastien Fernandez, professor of organizational behavior at EHL Hospitality Business School, indicates that the LinkedIn profile is a real window into the personality of candidates. “ The study identified 33 LinkedIn indicators that can serve as personality traits, and most of these indicators give recruiters insight into the type of person and how they would fit into the company. For example, extroversion is signaled by a high number of connections, by listing leadership skills, and by reporting sports activities. »