Let's have fun: the LGBTQIA+ friendly association of NEOMA Reims

Let’s have fun: the LGBTQIA+ friendly association of NEOMA Reims

Martin, president of Égayons-nous, introduces us to this LGBTQIA+ association friendy of NEOMA Reims, its projects and its actions. Focus on all the initiatives carried out with the school’s students each year.

Let’s brighten up in a few words: “Acceptance, listening and prevention”

Let's brighten up NEOMA LGBTLet's brighten up NEOMA LGBT

Let’s get excited is the LGBTQIA+ association friendly from NEOMA Reims. It both promotes culture queer on its various social networks (Instagram, Facebook) and sexual prevention for the attention of its entire audience. This prevention deals with both different STIs (sexually transmitted infections), but also different means of prevention such as internal and external condoms, PrEP, new vaccines (Gardasil), Tpe, etc. We also actively fight against all discrimination linked to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Why is such an association absolutely necessary today?

In 2019, 55% of LGBTQIA+ people experienced discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Homosexual and bisexual people are 4 times more likely to commit suicide. This same figure doubles when it comes to transgender people. Likewise, more than a quarter of LGBTQIA+ people surveyed as part of the study conducted by Statistica said they had been discriminated against by their supervisors or colleagues in the context of their work.

These figures show us to what extent action must be taken and underline the need for an association like Égayons-nous. Indeed, each Grande École, whether business or engineering schools, trains the elite of tomorrow. This is why it is essential that such an association exists and can be heard so that stigmatization and discrimination against homosexual, transgender or HIV-positive people, for example, cannot be perpetuated. Because, if this famous “power elite” proves to be more educated, more tolerant and more attentive to issues related to the LGBTQIA+ community, we will perhaps be able to design a fairer world of tomorrow. It’s above all that Let’s have fun. It is ” live better with our differences », As the vice-president of the association Laurène Burg declares.

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The actions of Let’s Égayons-nous

Annually, we organize screening on campus with distribution of prevention materials (condoms, lubricants, etc.) with the aim obviously of screening, but above all of raising awareness among NEOMA students.

We also set up communication throughout the year on culture queer and sexual prevention. This involves portraits of activists or the narration of certain key events in LGBTQIA+ history but also through posts on means of prevention and places where they can be obtained.

In February 2021, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, the “Love is Love Art Project” (LILAP) was held for the first time, which aims to artistically promote love in all its forms. In the context of the campaigns to take back the Arts Office, this project was a great success and many students participated: from songs to poems through photography or visual arts, almost all artistic fields were involved. represented.

In collaboration with the Prépa Rémois association which promotes equal opportunities, we led thematic workshops on the LGBTQIA+ community within partner schools.

Let’s brighten up tomorrow: what projects?

First of all, we would like to renew all of our usual actions which took place this year or which are usually held (outside the COVID context).

Then, we would very much like to increase neomian inter-association actions, in particular by organizing conferences with intersectional activists in partnership for example with the Rising Africa association or Heforshe NEOMA, as well as meetings with similar associations in the city such as the Ex-aequo LGBTQIA+ association of Reims or that of Sciences Po, Reims campus, SAGA.

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Finally, we would also like to develop communication to combat discomfort and suicide, which particularly affect members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Because listening is an absolutely fundamental value of our association and it is in this sense that we would like to establish this awareness.

In short, Égayons-nous has a bright future and all the members of the association will strive to implement all its projects which are very close to our hearts.

This article was written by Martin Poréepresident of the association Let’s Égayons-nous