Entrepreneurship: The 9 books to read before creating your startup

Entrepreneurship: The 9 books to read before creating your startup

To remain competitive in a constantly disrupted environment, entrepreneurs are required to continually train. It is essential for carrying out projects and learning from the experiences of others. Reading is the perfect way to immerse yourself in other people’s ideas and learn the best from them. Focus on the books essential to the success of an entrepreneur launching his startup.

The 25th hour – Guillaume Declair

Guillaume Declair’s 25th Hour is a compilation of techniques and advice delivered by 300 entrepreneurs, allowing you to save an hour of work per day.

If you’re one of those people who feels like you need a 50-hour day to be as efficient as possible and accomplish more things, this book is for you. It will remind you how short life is and how important it is to invest your time in tasks that generate added value. It is by learning to prioritize your tasks for the day that you will succeed in boosting your productivity. This book will help you get the most out of a single day and save precious time.

The 4 hour week – Timothy Ferriss

This book by Tim Ferriss is considered one of the best business books. It encourages all entrepreneurs to review their relationship with time and money. Earn more while working less, that is the author’s promise.

It may seem impossible, but Tim Ferriss has experimented with these techniques himself and managed to generate significant income, even when he sleeps. The book details in particular the concept of “muse” which consists of a project requiring little effort, but which still generates income.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki

This work by Robert Kiyosaki is ranked number 1 in sales on Amazon among the selection of best sellers of 2020. It was first published in 1997 then was republished in 2018. It is above all an auto-biography where the author recounts his experience with money between a university professor father and the father of a friend, an entrepreneur, who quickly became his mentor.

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According to the conclusions drawn by Robert Kiyosaki, wealth is not necessarily linked to our financial situation, but is above all linked to our personal and professional development, which remain determining factors for success.

The book is aimed at parents and encourages them to teach their children, from a young age, that money is not unquestionably a source of success.

From zero to one – Peter Thiel

The book, based on a popular course Peter Thiel presented at Stanford University in 2012, is aimed at aspiring startup founders. Elon Musk says the Paypal co-founder’s book offers an interesting exploration of the process of building successful businesses. He reveals all the secrets to founding a disruptive startup.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, also promoted it and said: “ This book offers completely new ideas and brings a real breath of fresh air to a vital question: How to create value in this world? »

Scars, 25 short stories to learn how to be an entrepreneur – Grégoire Gambatto

This book by Grégoire Gambatto, founder of Germinal, tells us about the biggest failures in the history of entrepreneurship. THE success stories are interesting, but we tend to forget that failures are also a significant source of inspiration. It reveals how these people got back up and still found positive things during this difficult period.

If you want to embark on an entrepreneurial adventure, it is important to keep in mind the mistakes of others in order to avoid them. This will save you precious time and allow you to put failure into perspective.

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Your empire in a backpack – Stan Leloup

Stan Leloup, the author of the work Your empire in a backpackis a YouTuber French specialist in marketing. He delivers all the secrets to being the master of storytelling and negotiation. It also presents all the marketing concepts you will need during your entrepreneurial career. He is followed by a community of nearly 400,000 subscribers who support his projects. He began writing his book which is an autobiography, but not only that, since Stan Leloup will teach you to measure the potential of the business opportunities that present themselves to you and to sell effectively on the internet. His advice is inspired by a large number of successful entrepreneurs, but also from his own experience.

100 euros to launch your project – Chris Guillebeau

Chris Guillebeau, successful entrepreneur, proves to us in his book that, to launch a successful and lasting project, it is not obligatory to draw up a business plan and call on employees. He is living proof! In 2013, Chris Guillebeau visited 193 countries around the world without having a real job or a regular salary. How did he finance his travels? It’s very simple: he transforms his ideas into income.

In his book, he presents 50 case studies of entrepreneurs who launched their projects and generated profits of 50,000 euros or more, with an initial investment of 100 euros. The majority of these people had no particular skills, but they mostly learned on the job. They had one thing in common: motivation and passion.

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The power of habits – Charles Duhigg

Charles Duhigg is a reporter for the New York Times Magazine, the New Yorker and The Atlantic. He also received the Pulitzer Prize. In his book, he explains how habits work and how we can create new ones that are beneficial for our brain. Indeed, as he indicates in The Power of Habitsour bad habits can be devastating and cost us dearly. This is why it is important to put an end to certain habits that hold us back in our quest for success, such as procrastination. Thanks to this book, you will be able to adopt new behaviors and optimize your chances of success.

The copywriting guide – Selim NIEDERHOFFER

Copywriting is the science of selling with words. Copywriter in French means designer-editor: the one who finds ideas and words to convince. A good copywriter knows how to write product pages, sales pages, sales email sequences, articles, sales videos, pitch decks that convert, that make you want to click or buy.

But when you launch a start-up, it’s all about communication, and that happens through words. The founder of the start-up spends his time pitching to investors, spends his time trying to convince juries that his idea is valid.

With the right words, the right pitch deck, the right argumentation, it immediately becomes easier to succeed in fundraising!

In the copywriting guideSélim Niederhoffer summarizes more than 10 years of experience in copywriting to help all business creators find the magic words!