Entreprendre, the government website to support entrepreneurs

Entreprendre, the government website to support entrepreneurs

This Monday, February 14, 2022, the ministry responsible for SMEs announced the launch of the new site “entreprises.service-public.fr”. It aims to facilitate administrative procedures for entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneur: a reference site for entrepreneurs

The site Entreprendre.service-public.fr falls within the framework of the simplification component of the measures taken by the government concerning business creation procedures. This initiative was created to offer a very specific solution: centralizing information useful to entrepreneurs in a single site. “There was a lot of information available but it was abundant and scattered across around twenty sites. A reference site was missing to improve the entrepreneur’s journey”, detailed the Minister for SMEs, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

Find out everything about the Entreprendre website

“I create, I take over, I manage, I develop, I close, I transmit”… These are the sections of the site which link to already existing platforms.

  • I create allows you to prepare for the creation of your project and choose its legal status.
  • I resume is used to prepare for the takeover, to evaluate your project and to negotiate the memorandum of understanding.
  • I manage concerns everything relating to accounting, recruitment and the different aspects to be managed within the company.
  • I develop includes the product development part and aims to respond to a well-defined market need.
  • I close is interested in the permanent or temporary closure of its business (cessation of activity, judicial liquidation, etc.).
  • I transmit. When transferring a business, the government supports you from preparing the project to signing the final transfer document.

Much more than a site allowing information directly online, entreprises.service-public.fr will give entrepreneurs the opportunity to make an appointment with advisors belonging to “around forty state or para-state services”underlined the Minister responsible for SMEs.

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Entreprendre will include access to another complementary site: formalites.entreprises.gouv.fr, “which has been open for testing since January 1, 2022 and which from January 1, 2023 will centralize all administrative formalities to register, modify or cease its activity”specified the minister.