Abelio signs a fundraising of 2 million euros

Abelio signs a fundraising of 2 million euros

Abelio, the French startup which aims to enable the agricultural world to gain in yield and sustainability, has just raised 2 million euros. Business Cool spoke with Grégoire Dupré, CEO and co-founder of this startup, to learn more about his projects.

Everything you need to know about Abelio

Who are you ?

Hello, I am Grégoire Dupré, CEO and co-founder of Abelio. Abelio is a Toulouse startup that I founded in 2018 with Philippe Caumes, while I was still in graduate school. Five years later, Abelio has 25 employees, marketing to the main French cooperatives (120 distributors) and more than 10,000 farmers who use our services.

What does Abelio do?

Abelio offers stakeholders in the agricultural world a simple and profitable decision-making tool allowing them to optimize the different stages of the technical process and gain in yield and sustainability. Through a unique tool, Abelio delivers advice, modulation and detection maps created through the aggregation and analysis of data via artificial intelligence (agro-weather data, drones, sensors, satellite imagery, etc.).

Abelio’s fundraising

Why did you raise 2 million euros?

With this fundraising, we intend to boost our international development and also invest in R&D in order to be able to expand our service offering.

Why did you choose to bring these investors into your capital?

Abelio has chosen to include Coopérative Agricole de la Plaine de l’Ariège and Sowefund in its capital.

For the record, CAPA is our historic client, who has been with us since our beginnings. She knew how to trust us and follow our development. In addition, it is a choice of the heart since it is the cooperative to which my family belongs. It therefore seemed logical to us to bring them into the capital.

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Regarding Sowefund, a crowdfunding platform, we were attracted by the idea of ​​involving the general public in this project. Indeed, our solution has an environmental and societal impact, we found it important to involve the whole of society and individuals wishing to take part in a solution with a positive impact.

What will Abelio look like in 5 years?

Our ambition is to become the European leader in agricultural digital technology. We want to be able to offer a tool that allows any farmer, arborist, wine grower or breeder to optimize their daily life and their profitability as much as possible while limiting their environmental impact as much as possible.